Bullying Behaviors


Hello reader you may have experienced this behavior or even seen it, Why does it happen? Many people have suggested many reasons why bullying happens including:

  • Pack mentality
  • Immaturity
  • Bullied Victims
  • Personality
  • Upbringing/Environment

What ever the reasons for bullying are, can it really be excused and why is it that the victim gets briefed, and told what to do and where to be. Personally I have had quite a lot of experience with bullying because of my color my Autism and my personality. If everyone does their bit to fight bullying including teachers, students and parents don’t say things like “It will get better”, “boys will be boys” and “children are like that”.  Hopefully one step at a time we will change our world.

Aspergers 101

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Aspergers 101

Hi my name is Faith and I have Aspergers as many of you know a Blogger and a Youtuber but something has come to my attention since I was diagnosed about 2 months ago I realized that my family did not know what it mean’t, all of these things have been said to me I regret to say. There are some things that I want to clear up and please Retweet and Share to help Autism Awareness:

That Autistic people have no Emotions: This is crazy, first of all every human has emotions of some kind if only the basic emotions and secondly we feel emotions more intensely than everyone else (due to sensitivity) so we can choose to turn them off or not let them show. However I found that this usually comes to bite you on the butt in the end.

That Autism is a Mental Illness that needs to be cured: I find this the most offensive out of all of the insults because it attacks me and other people with Autism personally, so a mental illness is something (generally) that you develop and you do not develop Autism you are born with it. Secondly we don’t need to be cured however like everyone else we need help to soften the rough edges and to focus our strengths which is how so many other Autistic famous people are rolling in it (have a lot of money). When you are obsessed with your job it is half the battle.

People with Autism are just dramatizing:  Once again nobody would choose to be so sensitive to a sound that it physically hurts their ears, we don’t choose to have very few friends and we definitely do not choose to be misunderstood nobody does.

What would you change about the Government?


What, would you change if you could change anything about the government? Personally if I could change anything it would be making the government just that little bit more down to earth and understanding of people. Talking about government it’s interesting what is happening in Hong Kong I don’t know what your thinking about it but it could be the signs of revolution. So what would you change? It would be interesting to hear some stories as well if possible.